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Spiritual Language


Bhakti is the Sanskrit word for the art and science of spiritual love and devotion. Combined with the word yoga, which means to link, bhakti embodies the yoga of the heart, linking it in love and devotion of the eternal self in relationship with God, the Supreme Divine Person and Source. The essence of bhakti can be found throughout the world's various God-loving spiritual traditions and religions.


At White Lotus Grace, God is respected as being the one and same Supreme Being honored in all devotional scriptures and traditions, appreciated from different angles of vision and relationship, as expressed in varied depths and languages according to time, place, and circumstances. From the Bhakti tradition and texts, God is regarded as the Supreme Divine Person who is simultaneously the Source of everything and seated in everyone's heart as the Friend, Witness, and Guide.

Devotional Intuition

Devotional intuition hails from the heart where God accompanies and guides the soul. This feature of Divinity is known as Paramatma (Supersoul) in the ancient spiritual wisdom of the Vedas. That Supersoul is the source of knowledge, remembrance, and forgetfulness and communicates in many ways, including extrasensory perception. This intuition is especially meant to lead us home to our eternal self in loving relationship with the Supreme Lover and Friend, God.


Healing is ultimately the restoration of the soul to its innate nature in Divine love. It is a process - a gradual process - that begins where we are and slowly relieves, releases, renews, replenishes, repatterns, realigns, and rebirths to bring a sense of harmony and wholeness throughout our entire being. Healing entails both weeding the garden of the heart and cultivating it to bloom, ie. clearing what we don't want and growing the best of who we truly are.


White Lotus Grace identifies that which is spiritual according to the explanation of the Vedas. Spirit is eternal, finer than physical and subtle matter, and transcendental to it. God and soul are both spiritual, whereas the mind, intelligence, and false ego comprise the subtle material body. Thus, the ethereal world and psychic field are distinguished from the spiritual realm and resources.


I prefer to use the word intuitive instead of psychic since the latter may carry connotations and misunderstandings, though both are applicable to my God-given service and professional capacity. There are different types of intuitive or psychic gifts, not all of which include predicting the future and none of which see or know all things. As an intuitive, I am a conduit of what God grants me the grace to see, hear, and feel through my heart's inner senses.


The gift of empathic intuition yields acute sensitivity to feel subtle energies and emotions that are likewise beyond the ordinary range to perceive. An empath experiences others' feelings happening within their own body, mind, and emotions. Just as an empath is a finetuned receiver of energy, an empath is also able to send or channel energy as well.


Clairvoyance is the gift of "clear seeing" beyond the range of vision of the physical eyes into subtler and/or spiritual layers of energy, truth, and existence. In the service offered at White Lotus Grace, I receive clear vision of God-given imagery and symbols, and occasional snapshots of physical information from past, present, or future.


Clairaudience is the gift of "clear hearing" which enables not only reception of telepathy and angelic voices, but at its best will also hear the sound of God in the heart as Supersoul. By Divine grace, I receive words, phrases, and messages from those higher sources to share with you, and I hear thoughts from others to communicate when God wills as well.

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